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NOTICE: The server for our Great Feet Foot Fetish site was migrated to the cloud. Unfortunately, that
resulted in the loss of our chat forum, which now displays a 500 Internal Server Error (making it inoperable).

If you're using Chrome, and you don't see any thumbnails, tap/click here for how to fix that problem.


(sorted with the most recent update down to the first update)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

12:48 a.m.

If you're not seeing thumbnails of photos on the pages of our site, it's likely because you're
accessing our secure site instead of our unsecured site. See the differences below:

Unsecured (may refresh to secured): http://www.greatfeet.com/

Secured thumbnail:

Unsecured thumbnail:

If you can see both thumbnails above, then that's great. That's how it should work. But some people
who use Google Chrome, for instance, will probably only see the unsecured thumbnail above.

People who use Firefox, and Safari should be able to see both thumbnails.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

1:07 a.m.

Unfortunately, the chat forum that we had on our site since 2002 finally gave out on us. For more
information about that, click/tap this link.

Overall, after a rough few hours with issues that needed to be addressed, our site seemed to have
more or less migrated intact.

Monday, December 11, 2023

7:58 p.m.

Oops! Evidently, one of the technicians who handled the change in nameservers accidentally
typed in the wrong IP Address, which is why our site was down this afternoon. Apologies to all.


3:23 p.m.

The new nameservers for our greatfeet.com site were changed today on Monday, December 11th.

Hopefully, nobody will notice any changes to the site after the new server has been activated. On
the other hand, there will likely be things on the site that aren't working as they should, including
our chat forum, which could very well become inoperable with a 500 Internal Server Error message
appearing instead of the forum.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

All files for our greatfeet.com domain were successfully uploaded to the new server.

The new nameservers for our greatfeet.com site will likely be changed sometime on Monday,
December 11th. When that happens, our site will be operating from both the old server, and
the new one. Most people will be on the new server in a matter of hours, but some people will
be on the old server for a longer period of time.

Generally speaking, propagation of any given site is usually completed within a day or two.
However, that doesn't always happen, which is why the usual practice is to keep an old server
online for about two weeks.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The uploading of files to the new server for our greatfeet.com site was started. Because our site
has so many files going back to April 10, 1997, it may take a few days to upload them.

Why isn't my Google Chrome browser displaying thumbnails (or other images)?

The short answer is that unlike Firefox and Microsoft Edge which by default can show thumbnails &
other images on secure sites like ours, the Chrome browser won't display them without changing its
default setting.
How can I see thumbnails on this site using Chrome?
(Enabling mixed content in Google Chrome)
1. Click the lock (caution) or (Not secure) icon in the address bar on the left, then click "Site settings".

2. Scroll to "Insecure content", then use the drop-down list to change “Block (default)” to “Allow.”

3. Reload the page. You should now be able to see thumbnails, and other images as well.

Quick Fix: In your address bar, simply type greatfeet.com instead of https://www.greatfeet.com/

There's no need to worry about thumbnails or other images on our site being insecure because that's
all they are; thumbnails and images. Hopefully, Chrome will update its rendering engine like Firefox
already has so that this won't be an issue.

By the way, if you change the default setting for Chrome so that you can see thumbnails, and other
images on our site, that change will only apply to our site.

Why isn't my Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser displaying thumbnails (or other images)?

By default, both Firefox and Microsoft Edge can show thumbnails & other images on secure sites like ours.

However, if they aren't showing, click/tap this link, and scroll down the page to the browser that you use
to fix this problem.

Quick Fix: In your address bar, simply type greatfeet.com instead of https://www.greatfeet.com/

ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION FOR FIREFOX (this worked when tested):

1. Click the menu in the upper right corner, and click Settings.

On the left side, click Privacy & Security

3. Scroll all the way down to HTTPS-Only Mode

4. To the right, click Manage Exceptions

5. In the Address of website text box, type https://www.greatfeet.com/ and then below that click Turn Off

6. Repeat step 5 above, but this time type http://www.greatfeet.com/ and then below that click Turn Off

Those 6 steps above will likely solve problem, and thumbnails should now be showing.

REMEMBER: Refresh/reload the page after trying each fix.

Why isn't my Safari browser displaying thumbnails (or other images)?

This is likely because you're accessing our secure site instead of our unsecured site.

See the differences below:

Unsecured (may refresh to secured): http://www.greatfeet.com/
Until Safari updates its software to show secure thumbnails, the solution is to delete the "s" after
"http" in the address bar. Sorry for the inconvenience.

NOTE: Safari no longer works on a Windows PC computer. Apple decided not to support that feature
with software updates. Safari naturally works on Apple products such as iPads & iPhones, but their
most recent software update has a glitch in it that no longer supports secure thumbnails. Hopefully,
that glitch will be corrected in the future.

Interestingly, though, tapping on any given missing thumbnail will pull up the corresponding photo link.

This space is blank intentionally.

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