The feet in this background belong to Water Goddess.
You can find her page at
These 2 footjob movie files below were submitted to
us by a contributor who has chosen to be anonymous.
To leave comments, click
here to the topic we
created in our chat forum.
We're told, "We have surfed the site for a
while now and decided
to make our first submission. Let us know what you think."
Windows Media Player is the default player for these files.
You should
be able to use your mouse button's menu to
save these movie files
on your hard drive,
which is recommended since it's not certain how
they can remain available
to you freely. Have fun with the movies.
Click to get your free player.
NOTE: Click a link below to view the files of your choice, or save them on your hard drive.
If you save a file instead of playing it here, you can load it up
your Windows Media Player
& let it repeat itself on your entire screen.
- 1st Footjob Movie File -
*** Dial-up version: (761 KB
or 778,833 bytes)***
(The file above loads faster,
but is only 160 x 120 at its default size)
Notice: The smallest and largest WMV
files above and below are the same exact movie
even though the thumbnails are different. Please only download the
movie version that you need.
- 1st Footjob Movie
File -
*** Broadband version: (5,915
KB or 6,056,869 bytes) ***
(The file above loads more
but is larger at 240 x 320 at its default size)
- 2nd Footjob Movie
File -
*** Dial-up version: (484 KB
or 495,415 bytes)***
(The file above loads faster,
but is only 160 x 120 at its default size)
Notice: The smallest and largest WMV
files above and below are the same exact movie
even though the thumbnails are different. Please only download the
movie version that you need.
- 2nd Footjob Movie
File -
*** Broadband version: (3,920
KB or 4,013,291 bytes) ***
(The file above loads more
but is larger at 240 x 320 at its default size)
(Again, this is actually the best way to save, and then view a file)
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foot fetish chat forum