My First Job As A Tickle Model

Published early on our Previews page on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

Official publication date for the main page of our site: Friday, May 17, 2024.

This story was submitted anonymously.

I started my modeling career back in high school after a modeling agency scout saw me in a school play, and signed me to a contract. The pay was very good, but the jobs were few, and far between. It was frustrating for me to have to work another job to support myself, but that's what I did until I graduated from college.

That's when a friend, and fellow model told me about a side gig that she had, which paid her more than she made as a model. Like me, the modeling agency didn't get her enough jobs to make a living, so she worked that side gig, and she suggested that I give it a try as well.

"I'm doing a job this weekend," she told me, "and they need another model. It's only a four hour shoot including all prep time, and it pays really well. Would you be interested?"

"Sure," I answered. "What's the job?"

"That's the thing," she kind of whispered the answer. "It's not your conventional modeling gig."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I guess you'd call it a tickling model gig," she laughed.

"You mean that I'd be tickled?" I asked.

"Exactly," she explained, "and since I know that you like to have your feet tickled, I thought that you'd be the perfect fit for the job."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "I've never done anything like that before, and you know how ticklish I am."

"I know," she confirmed. "Remember that foot fetish guy you used to date in college, and do you remember when I walked in on you when he was tickling the soles of your feet? I loved how you were getting off on it. I mean, I got really excited by it, too."

"I couldn't believe that you helped him tickle my feet," I laughed.

"I know," she laughed in return. "I couldn't help myself. It was one of the best experiences that I ever had. So whatever happened to that guy? The two of you made quite a pair."

"He moved away," I told her. "But it was okay. He was never really my boyfriend; just a guy I liked a lot because he was into my feet."

"He sure was," she laughed. "What a fun guy to have as a friend."

"Yeah, he was a lot of fun," I agreed. "I sure do miss all of the foot fetish stuff he did with my feet."

"I'll bet you do," she told me. "But now you can get it going again, and get paid well for it, too."

"So this is really a foot fetish tickling gig?" I asked.

"That's the focus," she answered. "The director who's shooting it is doing it for one of her regular clients. She's also the producer."

I love having my feet tickled, so I was really intrigued by the offer. I kind of knew what it meant, too. I mean, I figured that it would be one of those tied and tickled shoots. I'd been tied and tickled before by that foot fetish friend in college, which I really got off on, so getting paid for it was something that I thought I could see myself doing.

"I don't know," I told her. "It sounds like it would be a porn shoot of some kind, so even though I can see myself getting off on it personally, I'm not so sure that I'm going to want to do it."

"I understand," she told me. "I felt the same way at first. But I've gotten to know the producer pretty well, and she's always been great with me. I've never had one bad experience with her, and if it makes you feel any better, she gets it. She doesn't want to be known as a porn producer. It's just a side gig for her that makes her a lot of money, which she equally shares with her models."

"That sounds all good, especially the female producer part" I told her, "but I can't have my face being seen in that kind of a shoot."

Oh, about that," she explained. "I forgot to tell you that for models like us who don't want to be associated with porn, she covers our faces in full masks, and she adds hentai tattoos that further keeps us anonymous. Only actual porn models she uses are identifiable."

"Really?" I drawled.

"Really," she assured me. "And you know you'll get off on it," she added.

"You mean they're going to tickle my private parts?" I asked.

"I should leave that as a mystery so that your first shoot can be more exciting for you," she giggled. "Would that be okay?"

"As long as you're there in the shoot with me, sure." I laughed.

"I'll be there," she assured me. "By the way, I think you'll get off by just having your feet tickled. Didn't you tell me that you climaxed before by having the soles of your feet tickled?"

"Well," I smiled, "I was also tied down with an egg vibrator inside of me, which really intensified the tickling."

"I'm sure it did," she knowingly laughed. "So you're in?"

"I'm in," I answered.

I was a bit apprehensive about it, but I was also very aroused, and excited with the idea of being a tickle model. That weekend my friend picked me up, and drove me to the shoot, which was in a large warehouse that had various sound stages.

"Wow!" The producer exclaimed when I was introduced to her. "You're just as pretty as the modeling pictures I've seen, and your pedicure is amazing! Do you mind if I take a quick look at your soles?"

"Not at all," I told her while slipping out of the flip flop on my left foot, and grabbing my ankle to lift my leg up towards my ass so that she could get a good look. Then I did the same with my right foot.

"What beautifully wrinkled soles you have," she said with admiration. "They're perfect for the shoot."

While I looked over the script that had been sent to me in email a few days earlier after sitting down in front of a lighted mirror, the make-up and hentai tattoo artists introduced themselves. I had already memorized the script even though, according to the producer, it wouldn't be that important since she preferred that her models play things by ear, and improvise to make the scene more natural. The script was really more of an outline than anything else.

I found the plot to be very interesting, albeit not necessarily realistic. Then again, had I not been more or less told ahead of time what the shoot involved, I could see myself doing what I was scripted to do in the shoot. I found the whole idea of it to be very arousing.

Basically, in the script I'm hired to model for a furniture company. You know, maybe I'd be laid down on a mattress. I might be standing next to a chair, or a kitchen table. Those kind of things. Instead, when I get to the shoot, I'm told that I was hired to model for a bondage furniture company. I'm also told that the contract I signed without reading any of the fine print included me agreeing to model completely naked. When I object to the nudity, I'm told that I can model with clothes that are provided for me, which I end up agreeing to do.

So again, even though the plot isn't realistic, I liked the idea of going along with it, and enjoying whatever came my way. I wondered who the producer's client was. In my mind's eye I could see the client masturbating to scenes of me being tickled against my will while I'm tied and helpless to do anything about it.

When I looked into a full length mirror after the make up and hentai tattoo artists finished their work, I looked like a completely different woman. The wig that they put on me was a different style of hair, and the hair color wasn't mine. I had tattoos where I never had them before. I've never had any tattoos. A couple of them were on my arms. One of them was on my right ankle. Another one was on top of my left foot. Underneath my clothing, which I knew would be removed later on in the shoot, there was a tattoo just above my groin, and tattoos surrounded my nipples.

I wouldn't wear a full face mask until later on in the shoot, but the producer as director shot the scenes in such a way that my face couldn't be seen. "You'll see the final shoot to confirm that," she told me.

I was a little nervous when the shoot started, but after I was told that I could simply play each scene in whatever way felt natural to me, I felt more at ease. At one point I even forgot that I was a tickle model for the shoot. I just got into it as myself even though I didn't look like myself at all.

The first scene that the producer shot was practically just like it was when I first met her. In fact, she played the producer in the shoot. The dialogue was a little different, but other than that, it was the same.

The next scene was when things got very exciting, and very real for me. It was the scene where I first saw the bondage contraption I was to be strapped onto. I didn't have to remember the script at all. I simply followed the lead of the producer, and the other four models in the shoot.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "That's a heavy piece of equipment."

"It's actually bondage furniture," she corrected me, "and yes, it's sturdily built. Very sturdy!"

I should point out that the bondage furniture in the scene looked like a really big X. It's thickly padded for comfort, and it's designed so that it can be easily inverted vertically, or horizontally.

"Okay ladies," the producer announced while pointing to the bondage furniture, "I want all of you to stand around it, and look pretty."

After some shots were taken, the producer referred to my character's name while pointing at me, and told the other models to help me onto the X. "Make sure that she's comfortable. Customers need to know how comfortable it is."

"With my clothes on, right?" I asked the producer.

"Of course," she smiled with a mischievous grin on her face. "With your clothes on just like we agreed."

Even though I knew ahead of time that my clothes would soon be removed, I still felt excited about being stripped completely naked by a gang of tickle models, and that they would tickle me mercilessly no matter how much I protested. I've always loved the idea of being stripped completely naked, and tickled against my will. It's one of my biggest fantasies.

As scripted, the producer told the other tickle models that she needed to check on things in the editing room.

"Don't do anything that I wouldn't do," she laughed as she left the scene. "I shouldn't be long."

With smiles all around, the ladies looked at each other, and one of them said while handing out scissors, "Let's strip her naked."

As they snipped away at my clothing, I cried out as scripted. "What are you doing? You can't cut my clothes off."

"We can, and we are," one of the said.

"And then we're going to tickle you all over," another one said.

Even though all of this was more or less scripted, it felt real. It felt as if I had no idea that they were going to cut my clothes off, including my panties, and tickle me completely naked.

"What's going on?" The producer's voice cried out as soon as she entered the room. "I told her that she could keep her clothes on."

"We know," one of the ladies said with glee, "but we never told her that, and besides, this is a great way to advertise this thing."

"Are you okay?" The producer asked me.

I stammered a reply.

"I, uh, I think so," I told her.

"Of course she's okay," one of the ladies said. "Look at how wet she is already."

"And we haven't even used this on her yet," another one said while picking up a large vibrator from the floor to show everybody.

"So, is that true?" The producer giggled. "Do you like what's happening to you? Do you want it to stop?"

Before I could answer, I sighed with pleasure because one of the ladies was giving me head, and she was really good at it. Two of the others were sucking my toes, and tickling the soles of my feet. The last tickle model was massaging my breasts, and sucking my nipples.

"Never mind," the producer giggled again as she could see how much I was getting off on what was being done to me. "It's clear that you love to be tickled, and sexually ravished, so that's exactly what we'll do. We're going to make you cum over and over again, and we're not going to stop until you can't cum any more."

I loved what was being done to me, and I knew then and there that this wouldn't be my only job as a tickle model. Not only was I being pleasured, and sexually ravished by the producer, and four tickle models at the same time, but I was being watched by at least a half a dozen crew members including the make up and tattoo artists. Seeing them all around me watching with enthusiasm was wonderfully arousing, and very exciting.

What's more, when the shoot was officially a "wrap" as they say in show business, it seemed like everybody on the set joined in on the fun, and had their way with me in various combinations.

What an experience! I can't wait for it to happen again!


This story was submitted anonymously.

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