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Pajama Party
(Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000)
This story was submitted anonymously.

At 19 years old, I was a shy, butt-ugly, acne-riddled kid who was still living at home. The closest brush I had with a sexual encounter was frequenting the pantyhose section of the Sears catalog, locked within the confines of the bathroom. My family had often chided me for my lengthy stays in there, but I doubted anyone really had a clue of what was happening behind that locked door. That is of course, until my sister's friend Wendy decided to sleep overnight.

Wendy was beautiful. Untamed, unashamed, and uninhibited. This was a far cry from myself, who was merely unsightly, and as inhibited as the Rev. Jerry Fallwell at a topless Karaoke convention. So when my sister introduced us, I did what came natural. I looked downward to avoid eye contact and shook hands. Yet, when I looked down, I noticed that Wendy was barefoot and the proud owner of the most beautiful, sexiest set of feet I had ever seen! I was completely aroused. So much so, that I inadvertently looked up at her to break away from the trance.

When our eyes met though, I realized that my secret had been exposed. I knew that somehow Wendy knew. That was one of the longest days of my life. I had a case of sexual repression large enough to sink the Titanic, and try as I might, I couldn't escape the image of her feet. That image was burned onto my brain.

All throughout the day, and into the early night, I kept seeing them over and over. When I finally couldn't take the torment anymore, I crawled into bed and decided to have a solo encounter of the sexual session kind. This was no easy task, as I had no lock for my bedroom door. But considering the excruciating circumstances, I was more than willing to risk being caught. I thought to myself, "It's nearly twelve o'clock. Everyone's asleep."

I knew I wouldn't last more than a few minutes with that image running through my mind. And so I began. That's when Wendy walked in. There shot through my whole body a white panic. Fear was so intense that I remember it as if it happened only seconds ago. I had been caught completely off guard and I froze in a suspended animation. Granted, a kid as insecure as I still had the blanket pulled over myself, but it was all too obvious what had been taking place. I mustered up the courage to speak and said in a crackling voice that tried to sound harsh, "What are you doing in here?"

This phased Wendy not a bit. She shut the door behind her and looked at me expressionless. "Your sister is in bed. I wanted to paint my nails but I didn't want to wake her up with the fumes. That's when I saw your bedroom light on." She explained. She then grabbed the chair from my desk, and pulled it up next to my bed. "Do you mind if I do them in here?" She asked, while boldy resting her feet near my pillow.

For just a moment, I felt the world spin off its axis. I wish I could say that I took advantage of that moment. I wish I could say that I came up with the ultimate line, but in reality it was never so. In reality I turned my head away as if I were invading her privacy. In retrospect it was quite ridiculous, because if anyone's privacy were being invaded, it was certainly mine. But of course, I had no complaints. Not then. Not now. She asked me, "Are you afraid of me?"

This put me in a state of shock and indignation. But before I could say a word, she did something I'll never forget. She slowly nudged her toes into the corner of my mouth. Then I heard her whisper, "Are you afraid of what I could do to you?"

It happened so quickly that I didn't have time to think about the insanity of it all. A flood of saliva rushed to my mouth as I instinctively let my tongue glide across her toes. Still I kept my eyes closed for fear that it would somehow end if I were to open them. Maybe I kept them closed because I was so embarrassed that I was afraid to gain eye contact with her. But that simply added to my erotic experience. Without consideration, I began to masterbate once again.

Soon I felt the blanket being lowered. Within moments of her removing the blanket, I likewise looked down. Wide-eyed, half in disbelief, half in arousal, and fully incapacitated to stop myself. I was as red and hard as a soviet space shuttle, with a head as swelled as the liberty bell to boot. This caused her to giggle and I felt myself welling up with shame, but that somehow inexplicably only added to my arousal. Then she pulled her toes out of my mouth and put her entire foot on my face. I heard her say in a soft, low voice, still giggling, "Lick it clean"

To this day I don't know if it was her laughing me, my inability to gain contol of myself, or the absolute sense of control that she must have felt as she played me like silly putty, but it was all I could bear at that moment. My back began to arch, my whole body began to convulse wildly, and I felt a hot stream release itself from deep within me. The first emission released so hard that it caught Wendy by accident on the cheek. Almost as if in retaliation, she put her foot deep into the recess of my mouth and I felt as if I were going to choke on it. But I was paralyzed in such a state of euphoria that I was helpless to do anything. I felt absolutely humiliated, but thankfully with each successive emission, my tense body slowly begin to relax, and I could feel my once swallon red cock, now begin to gently lie down as well. Soon I was swimming in an ocean of complete rest. My skin was saturated with sweat, my breathing was deep, and I had felt complete release as I had never felt before.

Then, without notice, Wendy sprang up from the chair and began to walk towards the bedroom door as quickly as she had walked in. I remember staring at her with an expression of both confusion and fear. I had no idea whether or not I was going to see her again or whether she was going to tell my sister. Hell, whether she was going to tell anyone for that matter! She only said one thing before she left. "Your sister told me that you liked to spend a lot of time in the bathroom by yourself. She said it was because you were still a virgin. I just wanted to see what I could make you do."

Needless to say I never heard from her again. I had inquired about her whereabouts 100 times thereafter, but the most information I recieved was a passing statement from my sister that Wendy had moved away to Cincinnati with her parents. That was 15 years ago. Since then I have been with more than a handful of women, not excluding my wife. But that single, solitary moment has defined my sex life forever, for everytime I am about to release, the image of Wendy flashes through my mind as crystalline clear as a shard of glass. And sometimes as painful.

This story was submitted anonymously.

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