Blazing Sandals
(Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2001)
This story was submitted by Renee
S. Heard.
My name is Renee, I am one of Michael's sisters from his stories.
Editor's note: To read the 1st of Michael's stories, click My Sisters' Shoes and Feet.
I also have a foot and shoe fetish, but mine goes beyond what some would consider to be normal. Not only do I find sexual pleasure from masturbation with feet and shoes, but I like to burn shoes too. There is just something about leather and fire together that drives me wild.
When I was about sixteen, I was bored one night and extremely horny. I needed some sexual relief. What I really wanted to do was burn some of my sister's shoes. I went through their closets, but I wasn't able to find any that I thought they wouldn't miss, so I just picked up Rhonda's new Bass sandals and sat on the floor to masturbate with them. I rubbed then against my pussy and imagined that they were on fire.
The sandals had numerous soft brown leather straps and a soft padded suede insole. I was really enjoying those sandals! I only wish I could see them burn. I knew that if these new sandals were damaged, Rhonda would kick my ass. I still wanted to see fire on them. I then had an idea! I remembered from a past experience that rubbing alcohol burns fast and usually doesn't burn long because it evaporates so quickly. I grabbed Rhonda's sandals and headed for the bathroom. My pussy throbbed in anticipation of what I was about to do.
I placed the heel of one sandal between the lips of my pussy and layed facedown on top of it. I then took the other sandal and placed it about a foot or so in front of my face. I poured a little alcohol on the suede insole and lit it. Blue and yellow flames danced on that sandal, as I thrust my hips against the other sandal. I took my left hand and used it to rub the sandal against my clit as I watched fire dance on its mate. My pussy became very wet at the site of flames on my sister's sandal.
The fire didn't last long, so I repeated the procedure. Once again fire danced on the sandals and licked at the leather straps. I was almost ready to cum, so I gave it one more splash of alcohol. I lit it and began to masturbate like crazy. The fire seemed to be lasting longer than before as I continued to masturbate and watch. Suddenly one strap began to move and twist a little. I had to stop or the sandal would be ruined. Before I could do anything, the oils in the leather began to ooze out and the strap began to burn. I went wild in sexual pleasure as Rhonda's sandal began to really catch fire. More straps twisted and moved around. Soon the whole sandal began to curl up.
When the straps began to break and roll up, I had such an intense orgasm that I nearly passed out! I put the sandal out before the rubber sole could catch. Her sandal was ruined, no turning back now. I took them both outside and placed them into the BBQ pit. I soaked them both in lighter fluid and lit them. Fire went wild and the straps of the unburnt sandal twisted wildly. Both sandals curled up double as I had another shattering orgasm without even touching myself.
I did get caught however, but I didn't get the ass kicking I had expected. Rhonda just took some money she owed me and bought her another pair. Many years later, Rhonda gave me that pair to burn too. I know that there are not too many other people into this, but in case there are, please feel free to e-mail me!
Renee S. Heard
This story was submitted by Renee S. Heard.